In stuff. Yesterday, this reporter found during the combing, the star of smash hit of 2007 e-magazine, was found in the dying away quietly, leaving Xu Jinglei Analysts believe that in a few years, the Star electronic magazine has not found ways to sustain profits, wasted time, is the main reason for its decadent. Reporter Li Liang
exit rapidly: almost all off
Recently, Yang Lan suddenly remembered that someone was founded in 2005 to the electronic magazine investigation to know, Yang Lan as a media person is first set foot in the field of e-magazine star, when she founded .
Coincidentally, one which was then surprised to find that Chen Lu Yu of the electronic magazine The Qin Lan's
the only support is Xu Jinglei's A few days ago, this e-magazine launched on schedule the first phase of this year, this issue's theme is
lack of sincerity: covert propaganda props
electronic magazine founded in the circle most of the star characters do anything they want, the area planted in the electronic magazine, can be considered a . It was the star due to the failure of electronic magazines they tried to charge. Such as Chen Lu Yu's But Yang Lan's In fact, the charges being read in full swing with the network.
in the era of information explosion, has always been that content is king, content not spectacle, charges on anything, even if no charge is estimated to users do not bother to look. The reporters found that many celebrities electronic magazine is the founder of the original intention was to promote a movie or an album. Zhao Wei's Such a position, will enable advertisers color is too strong, causing resentment users.
Another fatal problem is that when the film or album, the heat has passed, this electronic magazine and then gone out of existence there is no need? So no wonder there so many
another example, Bibi Qin Lan's
sense, Xu Jinglei carefully to preserve her She not only monthly magazine launched, but often new content often changes, at least on the surface of this sense of stability, making the
prospects: profit model hard to find
In addition to content, e-magazines decadent celebrity has its technical necessity. After all, many stars had a magazine and just want to take this as a platform for interaction between fans. However, since micro-Bo prosperity, the star can be directly in micro-Bo sound, fans can not only see the fastest speed, but also the fastest speed feedback. Thus, only a month out of one to two e-magazine pales.
course, this does not necessarily mean that Star e-magazine came to an end. At present, many papers rely on the media as advertising revenue to survive, rather than rely on circulation revenue as Star electronic magazine can also try posting ads. Such as These revenues offset each electronic magazine about 10 million cost is more than enough. But, advertisers are willing to advertise in the final analysis will depend on the content of the magazine how to be stars themselves are generally smashed electronic magazine signs. Advertisers have long been shunned.
hard to find in today's profit model, star of bleak prospects for electronic magazine. If you want to back to life, will need to begin again, more effort in content. But now, there are several busy star has the courage of your convictions to endure clean it?
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